Your Coaching Matters Blog

YOU ARE POWERFUL. Your words are powerful.
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated daily!
Top earning Agents tend to do the Same Actions day in and day out. What routine do you have?
If you don't have one, start with just 45 minutes a day planned.
Perhaps you'll include the 28-minute daily LAD club idea each...
A little Stretch now and then is a good thing.
A few weeks ago, we asked you to stretch. That unless you were on track for Goal (for the week, month, year) that you were to do MORE than 28 minutes of Lead Gen.
How was that to...

It does not matter how slowly you go
so long as you do not STOP.

Today's 28-minute Lead Generation idea is to Sponsor a Contest.
Contact your local non-franchised diner, restaurant, or gym and talk with the owner/ manager...
Question to ask yourself, as 6+ figure year earners do:
"What support do I need in place,
to go where I want to go in my business?"
(Notice the question is not "what support can I afford"
Go first to what do I NEED and figure out the How)

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Part of what 6+figure Earners know is that Risk is a springboard for success.
“Take calculated risks. This is quite different from being rash.”
The single best source of business for a... |