Your Coaching Matters Blog

Least Expensive States to live in - West Virginia #1
Happiest places to live in the US - No ranking, but an interesting list
Some interesting ideas about assumable mortgages in this video and this

September 2023 Warm Fuzzy
Late summer is the perfect time to touch upon a universal theme that echoes across every facet of life—transformation. Whether it's within our lives or in the expansive wilderness, transformation is a constant reality. It can signify growth, change,...
We bought this at the Georgia Association of REALTORS(r) conference!
Prices Rising again
Interest rates are at 22-year high
No real estate crash in the future - the title of this article is vague, but the last line is gold!
Give this to your buyer prospects: Costly surprises for buyers
Good Chart Showing
Home Appreciation...
How does your area match up - Manhattan rent is $5500+
“Be patient and do your homework” Advice for this challenging real estate market.
Workforce housing - a big issue.
Donna and I have relied heavily upon the quote by Maya Angelou the past few months:
“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.”
Because our super cool empty nester and loving it life has taken a few turns lately....
OK, everyone; I've been doing "Monday News You Can Use" now for over 14 years and haven't heard anything from you all recently. If I don't hear from at least 25 of you (out of 1300+) I may discontinue this service. I spend about 3 hours a week on this so … Let me know.
Fed Chair...

Home Prices are hitting new highs.
A move from California to Texas could save a million dollars. Many Americans are opting in.
The money-saving Loan that isn’t working right now.
Now is not the most unaffordable homes have ever been!!!!

Contrary to Headlines - Foreclosures are not coming - filings are up, and they may be good targets for prospecting, but the actual numbers were 4,020 repossessed homes in May and we will have 4.5 to 5 million sales this year!
This scares me - squatter's...