Your Coaching Matters Blog
Previously we posted educating your qualified buyer helps with the motivation of entering or staying in the Super Hot Sellers Market. If your buyers are well-informed and understand what it takes to purchase a house, motivation will follow – with an accepted offer.
One of the first things...
Clarity is more than just choosing 3 Primary Life's Intentions. It takes work!
We move into step 3 of 4 in the Life's Intentions work this week. I hope you are having FUN with this work! It can change your life. NOTE: Today's work...
Knowing your "why" is important.
Narrowing to a few gives FOCUS. Warren Buffett teaches this: Write down 25 things you want to accomplish in your life. Choose a top 5 from that list. THROW AWAY the other 20. Why? Because those 20 will PREVENT you from...
We went for a snowshoe walk this past weekend. The hike's start was a little disappointing. For almost an hour, we had to bushwhack and posthole through snow and ice.
We whined and cursed. We also considered turning around and calling it a day.
I’m glad we didn’t do...
LAD 28 Minute ACTION
Do or REDO your Life's Intention inventory below. If you have trouble opening it, click HERE to download LI's document on Your Coaching Matters Facebook page,
Caveat: ONLY do it IF you are willing to come back and do parts 2, 3, and 4 over the next few days. This...
Working with a buyer in today’s market can be a daunting task at best. When a listing first comes on the market it’s similar to throwing meat into a shark tank or participating in the Hunger Games. With a frenzy of agents and buyers aiming at the same target, how can you get your...
High-income earners are constantly thinking:
What is the best risk I could take
TODAY to move forward? ----->>

Today's 28-minute Lead Generation idea is to take a risk. What is it you are most afraid of? Are you willing to... |

People who earn $100,000 to $999,999 |

We are all obsessing.
We are all obsessing about too many things.
How many sources of Lead Gen do you have? Remember, everyone out there is trying to sell you on another method - "better, easier, automatic". It's all a bunch of crap....