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November 2023 Warm Fuzzy Nov 06, 2023

November 2023 Warm Fuzzy

Imagine a world where your small acts of kindness warm your heart, improve your health, strengthen your community bonds, and even extend your lifespan.

This is not a utopian dream; it’s the reality for everyday philanthropists—individuals who discover that...

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October 2023 Warm Fuzzy Oct 09, 2023

October Warm Fuzzy 2023

Donna and I have 8 grandkids ranging from 1 to 10.  We love having them come over and they certainly are experts at creatively pulling every toy, book, and knick-knack out onto the floor. When it is time to neaten we sing a lot of “Clean up, clean up everybody...

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September 2023 Warm Fuzzy Sep 11, 2023

September 2023 Warm Fuzzy



Late summer is the perfect time to touch upon a universal theme that echoes across every facet of life—transformation. Whether it's within our lives or in the expansive wilderness, transformation is a constant reality. It can signify growth, change,...

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August 2023 Warm Fuzzy: Ch Ch Ch Changes!!! Aug 07, 2023

Donna and I have relied heavily upon the quote by Maya Angelou the past few months:


“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.”




Because our super cool empty nester and loving it life has taken a few turns lately....

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July 2023 Warm Fuzzy : Actual Intelligence versus Artificial Intelligence Jul 03, 2023

Your team at Northwest Atlanta Properties has been selling real estate since 1980. Donna, Mike, and Jon have a combined experience of over 90 years in the business.  We have overcome several “game-changing and threatening” technologies during this time.


Fax Machines


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June 2023 Warm Fuzzy Jun 05, 2023

Donna and I have the pleasure of having had our 9-year-old grandson move in with us for a while.  While it requires some adjustments after being empty nesters for over three years we are finding out that the joys are worth the changes.  One of his biggest concerns was the...

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May 2023 Warm Fuzzy: The Ambassadorā€™s Whisper May 01, 2023

Somedays it seems like it takes every ounce of energy I have to get anything accomplished.  Lifestyles seem to constantly get busier, and more complicated, for everyone, and listening, truly listening, seems to be in short supply.


I see many “going through the motions”...

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April 2023: Warm Fazzy Apr 05, 2023

“If Sue ever leaves me, I’m going with her.”
— James Patterson 


Dear Friend,

When I came across this great line, from the prolific author James Patterson, I laughed out loud, then immediately went to find Donna and share it with her. 

I love the...

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March 2023: Warm Fuzzy Mar 01, 2023

Had a great weekend that started early with a birthday party for 3 of my 5 adult children. (Happy Birthday Michael, Danielle, and Denise!)  All 8 grandkids were there.  Playing with toys and candy.


One grandson showed my oldest granddaughter his collection of candy. In turn, the...

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February 2023: Warm Fuzzy Feb 01, 2023

   I was at a leadership conference for the Georgia Association of Realtors and a speaker told a tale:


According to legend, there was a stone that looked like an ordinary stone, but when held in your hand, it could make your dreams come true. The stone was hidden on a rocky...

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