Lead A Day Club 03.11.2021
Mar 11, 2021
Here's the question... ARE YOU AT 50% or greater of this month's goal? IF SO, great, do what you've been doing! REPEAT! You are ON it. Just keep on doin' it today.
If NOT, you must look at doing MORE. I know... I tell you only 28 minutes a day.
AND - do you want to reach this month's goal??
If so, do MORE today. Double your 28 minutes. Triple it. Quadruple it. JUST for today.
AND do something HIGHER CONVERSION than normal.
Outside your Comfort Zone.
Here are few OPTIONS for today if you fit in THIS side of the question:
1. Do your daily Lead Gen TONIGHT for 90 minutes with a group of people - socially distancing of course. Who could you get to come to make contacts WITH you? Your lender? Your termite vendor? Your stager? Your office-mate? The last 10 hires your office did? Your manager/broker? -- Get some support and order a pizza. You might make entry to your Lead Gen night a bottle of soda (or wine??)
2. Do a 50-contact day, no matter HOW long it takes. Just do it.
3. Go sit a vacant home OPEN. Just get an Open House sign and put it out. - Bring a chair. Bring your laptop... Bring LUNCH! --- And make contacts anytime someone isn't there.