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MARK YOUR CALENDARS for MONDAY JULY 19th at 11am ET! Jul 08, 2021

Do you want to become more influential and live a life of significance?

Mark Your Calendars!

We will be hosting a Special Interview with Bob Burg

Join Us Monday, July 19th, 2021 at 11:00 AM ET for a
very special Monday Mindset with Bob Burg,
Author of "The Go-Giver Way"


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Lead a Day Club 07.08.2021 Jul 08, 2021

For MOST of you... MOST of your business does (and should) come from the people you know and/or have served before. THIS IS YOUR MOST PROFITABLE BUSINESS SOURCE. Not to mention it's so much easier work than finding someone new to convince to trust you cold.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

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Lead a Day Club 07.07.2021 Jul 07, 2021

Here's a fun idea.... what goal DID you reach in the past?

Have you EVER contacted 10 people in a day? 12? 50?

What if you DEMOLISHED that accomplishment TODAY.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Think of something you are proud of. Something you DID in your business that was good....

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Six Thoughts on Mid-Year Review Jul 06, 2021

by Coach Donna Fleetwood

  • Mid-year reviews can trigger monkey mind. Thoughts like "I didn't do enough" or " Sure I did well, but how will I do it again?" Observe these thoughts and try to simply try to look as an observer of your story of the last 6 months. There is always tension between...
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Lead a Day Club 07.06.2021 Jul 06, 2021

Exactly what ARE you willing to do to reach your goals?


'Cause you aren't willing to do what you haven't been doing... right?

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

So yes, today for 28 minutes do what you ARE willing to do.

  • Where did your last deal come from?
  • Wherever it was, what...
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Lead a Day Club 07.05.2021 HAPPY 4th of JULY! Jul 05, 2021

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Happy 4th of July Weekend!! Join your family and friends and enjoy the extra day in observance!

If any of them has a need you can fill, schedule a time!

Celebrate your holiday and have a BANG UP Day!!

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Lead a Day Club 07.02.2021 - Dialing for Dollars Jul 02, 2021



Practice makes progress.
Every 28 minutes you spend in Lead Generation
or Lead Follow-Up is PROGRESS.
Be proud of your progress and keep taking one small sweet step forward every day.




LAD 28 Minute ACTION

For 28 minutes call (not email, not...

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Warm Fuzzy July 2021: How a Waffle Iron Changed A Sport forever Jul 02, 2021

Do you know why there is an ordinary old waffle iron — pulled out of a backyard garbage pit and now broken and brown with rust — sits displayed in a protective case like the Hope Diamond in Prefontaine Hall in Oregon?

The answer has nothing to do with breakfast food.

In 1971, college...

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WHY I WROTE AFTER THE SUMMIT? by Coach Lei Wang Jul 01, 2021

Have you ever wanted to do something, but took forever to get started?

It took me more than three years after finishing my first book (Yes I Can!) to start writing this second one (After the Summit). I could not forget how I agonized and suffered during the days of writing the first book, and to...

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Lead a Day Club 07.01.2021 Jul 01, 2021

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Here's something that will help with your challenge from yesterday! Call 14 people in 28 minutes with a survey. A QUICK survey. You only have 28 minutes. Go FAST - Call anyone you know a number for. Friends, family, leads, neighbors. I don't care. The survey...

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