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Lead A Day Club 04.26.2021 Apr 26, 2021

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

I've been going into LinkedIn more lately and find there are Agents there posting... almost Facebook-Like.

Here's your 28-minute action today.

1. Go to LinkedIn and check your profile. Update if necessary so it's correct and...

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Monday News You Can Use 04.26.2021 Apr 26, 2021

Send to all your buyers - When its the right time for you to buy!
Did the Pandemic shift how buyers migrated?  The answer is surprising
22 Common Practices that violate our Code of Ethics - In cooperating #4 is so common here! 
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Lead A Day Club 04.23.2021 Apr 23, 2021
People that earn a lot of income SEE the potential business around them all the time.
Those that fail, often have just failed to notice.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Today's 28-minute Lead Generation idea is to look at your favorite Social Media...

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People have Goals Not Horses Apr 22, 2021
By Donna Fleetwood
I was asked to be interviewed for a social media post by one of the nonprofits I work for, (Business Council For Peace). I think it is a great reminder that what we think are important goals for ourselves may not be important for others. Always check...
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Lead A Day Club 04.22.2021 Apr 22, 2021

You are a hero on your own journey.

No one else's path will be exactly like yours. You have mentors along the way willing to help. Look for them in earnest. Be ready when they appear... and accept them into your life - which we call "being a demand for Coaching."

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Lead A Day Club 04.21.2021 Apr 21, 2021

Part of what 6+figure Earners know is
that risk is a springboard for success.

“Take calculated risks. This is quite different from being rash.”


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What do you think makes a goal truly exciting? by Coach Lei Wang Apr 20, 2021

You have set and reached many goals in your life or your business, but how many of them you are truly excited about? Do you sometimes wonder, after you have achieved them, so what? You don’t feel that exhilarating excitement even though you feel the satisfaction of arriving at the next...

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Lead A Day Club 04.20.2021 Apr 20, 2021

6+ figure Earners work from a Calendar.
Not from their heads.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Today's 28-minute Lead Generation idea is below and here's a BONUS: Put in your calendar time to do your 28-minute Lead Gen EVERY WORK DAY for the rest of the year.


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Monday News You Can Use 04.19.2021 Apr 19, 2021

Do you agree with this expert's advice about staging?
Send to your investor clients: pros and cons of investing - have an answer for each of the cons.
Rent assistance open in many states
Send to your buyers if your brokerage...
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Lead A Day Club 04.19.2021 Apr 19, 2021
Telling the Truth means long-term EASE. 
What is the Truth?
Are you afraid of the Truth?


LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Today you will look at all your listings, pendings, and hot leads and determine a "truth" that you haven't said out loud to...
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