Your Coaching Matters Blog
There are 5 levels of Failure described in the book Go for No. Level 2 is the WILLINGNESS to Fail. -Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz |

Do you say to yourself: "If I ___, then ___ will happen." And then when it doesn't happen... we say "Well, that didn't work."
The fact is that there are many possible outcomes from the Actions we take. Tying a "certain result" to any Action and...
Recently I was invited to visit a large Real Estate office doing over 1800 deals a year under one name. Yes, there's a Team, of course. And ANY of us could do the same thing. Profit from this team is WAY north of $5M a year. The Leader suggested...
Pole vaulting on Jupiter
[And Sticking to Just the Facts]
Even an Olympic athlete is going to do poorly on Jupiter. The gravity is two and half times greater, which means you're just not going to jump very well.
On the other hand, our moon gives you a huge advantage... You weigh less...
Here’s another great lead source:
Older leads in your database
Mid-sized Property Managers often do not sell listings or have the time to properly service a listing. Creating relationship (notice it's not "making...

Slowing Momentum is predicted
Capital Gains Tax and real estate (If you want to know more about 1031 Exchanges let us know we have a course...
Lead A Day Club Question to End January:It's a simple question. Yes or No? Have you met your goal for this month? And if you did... Did you Open enough transactions this month so if multiplied by 12, you will meet your annual goal?![]() |