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Do You Suffer from FOMO? May 25, 2022

You won't have to have any Fear From Missing Out because there is still time to sign up to spend time with Donna to create your LIFE BLUEPRINT this Friday.

It's only 1.5 hours of your time starting at 2:00 EST and only $49 and that is a steal!

Are you willing to find out what are truly your...

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Get involved the Community! May 25, 2022

Get involved the Community you want to work in (where most of your 150toLife VIPs are or where you WANT them to be) – with a GIVING heart to SERVE.

Magic happens when you give from your heart. Opportunities simply unfold, often without you asking even!

One of our 150 to Life Members has...

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Monday News You Can Use - 05.23.2022 May 23, 2022

Send to all your potential Buyer Clients - When to increase your housing budget?
Send to everyone - Remodeling tips on a budget
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150toLife May 16, 2022

Choose a Reasonable Number of VIPs and create a PLAN for them.

As you probably know we are working with a small subset of you all on a passion project of mine called 150toLife – A way to get all the business you want from a reasonably small group of the Right people, doing the Right...

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Monday News You Can Use - 05.09.2022 May 09, 2022

So I spent the last week at the NAR Mid-Year Legislative Meetings: look for continued fair housing initiatives and efforts to include more diversity at the Local State and national Level. 

Best Quote:

"Diversity is not just about color

Diversity. We allow everybody to come...

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Monday News You Can Use - 05.02.2022 May 02, 2022

If your city is bursting at the seams then the politicos may be looking at limiting development - 2nd half of article details woes for entry level buyers. 
Send to all your clients -its time to buy investment properties  Nice little article
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The Gratitude Protocol: A simple practice for disrupting anxiety ☀ Apr 29, 2022

The Gratitude Protocol: A simple practice for disrupting anxiety

A protocol is a set procedure for carrying out a scientific experiment. In many ways, this is exactly what you will be doing. Use what you’re about to learn as a scientific experiment. That is, judge for...

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Ask a coach: Do I need to pay for real estate leads? Apr 26, 2022

Real Trends recently featured an article written by Coach Donna Stott, "Ask a coach: Do I need to pay for real estate leads?"

Here is an excerpt from it:

There is no doubt that lead generation programs are big money makers — for those selling those leads to agents, or for brokerages...

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Monday News You Can Use - 04.25.2022 Apr 25, 2022

Interest Rates!!! Ukraine!!! Russia!!!  Politics!!! Prices!!!! Uncertainty.

Yep its all happening.  And its OK - we’ll work through - we will BLOOM! 

People will still buy and sell homes.  We will see a decrease in the number of sales and...
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Monday News You Can Use - 04.18.2022 Apr 18, 2022

What do you think???  Canada banning foreign investors for two years! 
Wow USA Today finally reports that Houses used to be on the market for “months at a time” and “Now we are surprised if they aren’t sold in 2 or 3 days.”...
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