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Lead A Day Club 04.23.2021

lad lead a day Apr 23, 2021
People that earn a lot of income SEE the potential business around them all the time.
Those that fail, often have just failed to notice.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Today's 28-minute Lead Generation idea is to look at your favorite Social Media page... and "like" and/or "comment" on as many posts as you can find that COULD lead to a Lead.

Here are a few ideas:

Find posts about graduation - there are many coming up! Graduates mean someone may be moving in or out of someone else's home. You don't need to talk about that.... you just need to open a door to talk about it later. NOTICE the graduates and comment. THEN follow up with that person. Put them in your Database and create a next contact to ask the question in a few days or a week.

Find posts about Weddings coming up - it 'tis the season! Same guidelines as above.

Find posts about vacations. On them or one planned or just gotten back from. MANY people love a vacation spot and decide to pack up and go move there... Comment and follow up.

Find posts about Job Changes, new Babies, Relationship changes, etc.

The world is putting you in a position to SEE potential people you can help. The only question is: ARE YOU LOOKING?.