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Lead A Day Club 04.20.2021

lad lead a day Apr 20, 2021

6+ figure Earners work from a Calendar.
Not from their heads.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Today's 28-minute Lead Generation idea is below and here's a BONUS: Put in your calendar time to do your 28-minute Lead Gen EVERY WORK DAY for the rest of the year.

Today's Action is to Go to your Favorite Social Media page (FB, LI, Twitter, Instagram, WW Connect, etc. :) and interact with Posts ALREADY THERE, in such a way that the person on the other end knows you are in real estate.


Jen, your picture of your new plants looks AWESOME! I think I saw that pink flowered one the other day at a house I was showing... do you know the name of the plant? Does it flower all year?

Jim, I see you just took a new job at XYZ. Congratulations! How is the new commute? I saw some cool listings a few minutes from that company and wondered if you may want to move closer. PM me or give me a call.

What time will you do it?