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Six Thoughts on Mid-Year Review

coach donna fleetwood your coaching matters Jul 06, 2021

by Coach Donna Fleetwood

  • Mid-year reviews can trigger monkey mind. Thoughts like "I didn't do enough" or " Sure I did well, but how will I do it again?" Observe these thoughts and try to simply try to look as an observer of your story of the last 6 months. There is always tension between expectations and reality. When we can be in that space, we can see the gap between where we are at and where we want to be.
  • Mid-year reviews are a chance to renew our commitment to our life's intentions. In coaching you have a menu of life's priorities that you yourself have selected. These could be a variety of things that are wholly yours to explore with goals such as: being a successful entrepreneur, or a loving family member, an adventurer, or a successful communicator.
  • Mid-year reviews allow us to dream again. What is the opportunity to play at an even greater level?
  • Mid-year reviews are an opportunity to play at the coaching model...look, see, tell the truth, and take authentic action.
  • Mid-year reviews remind us that Rome was not built in a day, and we can't eat the elephant in one bite. Small, sweet steps got us here and will take us to the next level. We become builders again, one brick at a time.
  • Mid-year reviews allow us once again to look at the opinions, beliefs, and thoughts that may be standing in our way. People are never limited in their actual capabilities; they are only limited by the beliefs that may be holding them back.

As coaches, we are here to help you and hope that you can see the importance of the mid-year review exercise.

Click HERE to Download Your "Year in Review"!