Your Coaching Matters Blog

Conversation Advancer
Say This Instead of That:
- ...

We can do better - homes in Black neighborhoods sell for $46,000 less
Mortgage rates bumped up!
Buyers timing the market may not want to wait
Forbes article on Buying a home and market stats - expect 3% increase in prices

How sellers are acting VERY differently
Source: Zillow
There was a big shift at the end of last year in how mortgages affect whether or not a homeowner wants to sell, ...

Conversation Advancer:
They say, "We want to think about it.
You say, "Just out...

And a reminder:
Conversation Advancer:
If the conversation is...

31% of Gen Z live at home!
89% of people who own a home have a rate below 6% - does that lock them in?
For your clients - Terms to Know!
Conversation Advancer of the Week:
Pro or Amateur?
As we work together to...

British banker says its not that hard to buy a house -backlash ensues
Mortgage rates will tick down - maybe low sixes
Interesting Stats - Cheaper to buy today by $372 q month than in October
Some market predictions - Don’t wait to buy a home...

Conversation Advancer of the Week:

Unexpected pitfalls to older homes - they may be unhealthy
Interest rates will settle at 6.5% - why shouldn’t you wait? Buying a home today at $500,000 with 20% down and borrowing $375,000 at 7.25% has a P&I payment of $2558. If the market improves by 3% but rates...
I attended an interesting seminar a few holiday seasons ago and when thinking about what to write for this year I remembered it.
No matter what our circumstances, and no matter what hand we are dealt, the search for true contentment and happiness is at the heart of...