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5 things to DO (Actions to take) to increase sales 2nd half of 2022 Jun 23, 2022
  1. Choose a maximum of 150 people to market to WEEKLY in July and Monthly August-December. These are great past clients, friends, COI/SOI, current clients, and leads. NO more than that, yet even 20 is enough to start.
  2. Send those people a Postcard 5 times in July-August timeframe and monthly...
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Itā€™s Time for a Mid-Year Reviewā€¦ Do you know WHY itā€™s time? Thereā€™s a good reasonā€¦. Jun 22, 2022

Do you feel like you get a “Fresh Start” each week or each month or each year? 

It’s not fake… it’s because you DO.

In psychology they call this a “temporal landmark” and they are important to get that “High” that comes from new...

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Monday News You Can Use - 06.20.2022 Jun 20, 2022
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June Warm Fuzzy: The Extra We Give Jun 14, 2022

The Extra We Give
A man was asked to paint a boat. He brought his paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner had asked him.
While painting, he noticed a small hole in the hull, and quietly repaired it.
When he finished painting, he received his money and left.
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Monday News You Can Use - 06.13.2022 Jun 13, 2022
So this Monday News is a bit different - focusing on the ...
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Monday News You Can Use - 06.06.2022 Jun 10, 2022

Some Highlights

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Monday News You Can Use - 05.30.2022 May 30, 2022
Short Video from economists - Moving to new Normal - rent at new highs! 
Lock in rates now -...
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Is a Sales Career for You? May 27, 2022


You are probably in sales if you are reading this.  

That said, IS a sales career for you?  Do you love it? Are you succeeding at the level you know you could be?

Here are 5 questions to answer… and if, after answering, you want to talk about Coaching for your Sales...

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Is it Time to Review Your Life Intentions and Standards of Integrity? May 26, 2022

Life Intentions and Standards of Integrity can change over time with what is going on in your life and what is important to you in the moment. What you thought were your life intentions last year (or even at the first of the year) may not be the same right now.

Why not take a little time to...

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