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Lead a Day Club 06.30.2021 Jun 30, 2021

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

For the next 30 days, you pick up the phone.

Every day.

Until you reach a set number of people.

You decide that number.
Could be 2.
Could be 10.
Could be 20.

You pick the number. What’s your favorite number?

If you put your mind to it and make a...

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Lead a Day Club 06.29.2021 Jun 29, 2021

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

IT’S SIMPLE: Start the Second Half of the Year off with a BANG!!

Book time on your calendar for 30 days starting July 1st and put one of each of these in there!!



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A Smarter Goal - by Coach Donna Stott Jun 28, 2021

You’ve heard of SMART goals, right?  

Different people do different things with the mnemonic acronym letters…  

The S is usually “Specific”, but I’ve also seen it as an S for: Simple, Significant, Sensible, 

The M is usually...

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Monday News You Can Use 06.28.2021 Jun 28, 2021

Cramer says no need to worry about this market!  Best Quote: "Millennials have been stuck living in their parents’ basements for years,” he said. “After a decade getting over the financial crisis, they’ve finally got the capital to buy their...
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Lead a Day Club 06.28.2021 - Year in Review!! Jun 28, 2021

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

It is time for the Mid-Year Review. Spend your 28 minutes today filling out the form and even better... I will personally commit to going over it with you on a call in July when you send it to me.

Yep, free coaching for 15-20...

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Lead A Day Club 06.25.2021 Jun 25, 2021

"He was too good at too many things, so he couldn't be a successful at anything."

Be careful about having too many goals, dreams, business sources, leads... anything. The MANY keep you from excelling at anything.

Pick ONE to the absolute exclusion of the...

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Lead A Day Club 06.24.2021 Jun 24, 2021

We do not grow without being uncomfortable.
Welcome the uncomfortable.
Get comfortable with it.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

So, some of you have been saying this month: "But Donna.... I just can't do it! I can't call those people!"

I'm here to say - Yes you can. And are...

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Lead A Day Club 06.23.2021 Jun 23, 2021

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Last one in the series of properties to send. If you want to space these out once a week or month, just put in your calendar for the dates you want to send them.

Today's offering: Great homes to trade up or down to.

1. Search in MLS <3...

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How can you keep yourself motivated? by Coach Lei Wang Jun 22, 2021

If you have read the last newsletter Everest Lessons: How, you can imagine, if you don’t have a deep WHY for climbing this mountain, what kind of torture would it be to debate every day “Is it worth it?”

You have to want to climb because you are truly passionate about...

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Lead A Day Club 06.22.2021 Jun 22, 2021

The more VALUE you bring, the more SUCCESSFUL you are.

We continue this week with ideas to create a lead in 28 minutes FROM people in your database.

1. Go to MLS and find 3 potential STARTER homes. Good for 1st time Buyers.

2. Do a few examples about how a young single or...

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