Your Coaching Matters Blog
You may have heard this before but it is one of my all-time favorites:
A giant ship engine failed. The ship's owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure out how to fix the engine.
Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a young man. He...
After 4 years of running, the Lead a Day Club is being retired. However, these timeless lead tips and strategies can still be found on our Your Coaching Matters Blog and Facebook/LinkedIn pages. If you need a little encouragement or strategy scroll through the YCM Blog or Facebook page to...
Your Coaching Matters is up to BIG THINGS with Bob Burg
October THROUGH December 2021!
Watch for details on a Special Wednesday Skills call
on September 29th at 11amET/8 am Pacific
Click the Video below to get a little taste of a
Great BOB's Endless Referrals tip with...
Rents Going up – send to your renters and investors
Here's what's hot for bathroom flooring!
New Normal in Real Estate?
Are you low on listing inventory? Even if you’re sales may be cooling in your area, it’s still a sellers’ market. There are several ways for you to generate listing leads and some sellers are actually “advertising” for you to find them.
Your Neighborhood FSBO.
As we all embrace the start of a more "normal" summer and fall, it’s important to give ourselves room to continue to reemerge at our own pace. It’s also important to remember that new beginnings are not always easy or obvious. I’m reminded of the following story, a...
You’re sitting at a listing appointment. You know in your heart that you can sell this house – it is a great listing and a quick sale. You have sold homes like this before and KNOW HOW to sell this one. But something lately has been missing with fewer listings hitting the...