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Lead A Day Club 06.24.2021

lad lead a day your coaching matters Jun 24, 2021

We do not grow without being uncomfortable.
Welcome the uncomfortable.
Get comfortable with it.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

So, some of you have been saying this month: "But Donna.... I just can't do it! I can't call those people!"

I'm here to say - Yes you can. And are you more committed to that story above... or are you more committed to your goals?

Your goals? Great.

Then today... for just 28 minutes... call the people in your database. Ask if you can serve them in any way... and see the magic happen. It's simple. If they don't need you right now, they will say so. Just say thanks for your time... and that you'll check in from time to time.

Magic will happen. If you are willing to be uncomfortable.

Go be VERY uncomfortable for 28 minutes.