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October 2023 Warm Fuzzy

coach mike stott warm fuzzies Oct 09, 2023

October Warm Fuzzy 2023

Donna and I have 8 grandkids ranging from 1 to 10.  We love having them come over and they certainly are experts at creatively pulling every toy, book, and knick-knack out onto the floor. When it is time to neaten we sing a lot of “Clean up, clean up everybody do their share’ while picking up.

The song is meant to be a sweet call to action for the younger children to clean up communal spaces in a home. However, we suspect all adults, ourselves included, could use a reminder every now and again to work in harmony (with a light song in our hearts), to clean up our surroundings, and restore peace and order to shared community spaces.

Neat and orderly creates a lot of good. See this study. Perhaps your communitry is in need of volunteers to pick up roadside trash, or maybe you want to organize replacing old crayons and coloring books at a local preschool with entirely new sets, donated by you for the children to enjoy?

The important thing is to choose a sweet project that speak to you, that elicits passion, a project that promotes a cleaner community, and yet also— and this is the important part— lifts you up as well.

As we transition from those last hot days to leaves changing colors, this is a vivid indication that we are turning a corner in the year, and maybe our lives.

At times we could all use a bit of and what better time to create a fresh start than this month with its increasingly crisp days? Do reach out and let me know if you decide to take on a project. We are looking forward to hearing what you give back to the world with a smile in your heart!