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July 19th - Hurdles - A Coaching Tool

Jul 19, 2022

July 19th - Hurdles - A Coaching Tool

Seth Godin wrote a post a while back called "Signifcant Hurdles" 

It's about making sure whatever you are doing has some "stretch"... has some "signficant hurdles" to jump.  
Because without them, is whatever you are doing "signficant?"

It got me thinking about the INSIGNIFICANT hurdles we put in front of ourselves all the time... things that don't matter to us, yet they drive us crazy, make us sad, or take up valuable time we could be speinding on the significant ones.

In fact, those insignificant hurdles may exhaust you to the point you forget how important the SIGNIFICANT hurdles are. 

How do we know which of these "Hurdles" are the ones that are significant... and which are not?

1. Know your Life Intentions and Standards of Integrity (if you don't, ask me for a free coaching call in August to help you see them)

2. Be CLEAR on the GOALS you have in place that SUPPORT those LI and SOI in #1.

3. LOOK, SEE, and TELL THE TRUTH about how you are spending the 6 Energies of Time, Money, Relationship, Physical Vitality, Enjoyment and Creativity. Are they on your Goals that are in alignment with your LI and SOI? Or not?

By Joining Group Coaching you can get into these conversations weekly with Coach Mike or Myself.   I hope you'll give us a try soon - it's Month to Month.

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