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Lead A Day Club 12.03.2020

lad lead a day Dec 03, 2020

Fundamental Mindset Shift

"Focus on Commitment to Others' Interests Over Your Own"
~ Mike Stott

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

It really is about this...
When we are genuinely curious about how we can help others... we win in so many ways.
1. We find out (see Tuesday's 12.01.2020 LAD Club post) if people are likely to need to buy or sell soon.
2. We develop relationships so whether they know about a move now or not... they see YOU as their PERSONAL agent.
3. People simply like us more, as people. (And people list and buy with Agents they know and like).
Your LAD 28 minutes today may take you more than 28 minutes in physical reality. Set a timer and you may ONLY count minutes you are LISTENING to potential buyers or sellers talk. NONE of the minutes you are dialing, or the phone is ringing or you're leaving a message, or YOU are talking count.
You can do this... see how long it REALLY takes to listen to others for 28 minutes.
My bet is you end up with SEVERAL leads if you are up to this challenge.
Commit to listening about THEIR interests. And see if you can be of service.