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Lead A Day Club - 01.11.2021

lad lead a day Jan 11, 2021

John Wooden (Famous UCLA Basketball Coach) said:
"Don't let what you cannot do interfere
with what you can do."

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

What CAN you Do? How about something simple... consider a Name Tag or Career Apparel!

Look into getting a brand of shirts or jackets that advertise for you  ( works for our real estate business.)

Try this conversation advancer when someone asks about your company (and they will if you consistently wear this "billboard" for yourself):

"Thanks for asking. I am so excited about real estate and I get to meet such wonderful people who are looking to buy and sell or know someone looking to buy or sell... by the way... How long have you owned in the area?"

This will start a conversation that COULD lead to a lead! Our Son in Law had this happen in a Home Depot parking lot with someone who just purchased a FSBO sign. Yep. He got the appointment. Got the listing. And sold it.

This one is harder to do 28 minutes in a day, you never know when it will happen. The key is to wear it and be out and about. - safely.

Imagine if you had this conversation 5 or 6 times each week! Have faith. Be approachable. This may result in a lead today… or in a lead in the near future.