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Lead A Day 9.15.2020

lead a day Sep 15, 2020

Fundamental Mindset Shift

Nothing happens when we just dream about our goals. Oprah says that when you make your Goal The Process, only then do your dreams come true.


LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Take Action.

Pick one of these for a Goal Today:

Contact 10 people you know well and are SURE they do NOT want to sell.

Just to be double-sure.

Follow-up with every lead I have now in some way before the end of the day.

Send by mail 10 notes/letters/articles to Past Clients or Leads before today at 2 pm.

Identify 10 good Expired or FSBO leads within 5 miles of my office to target.

Here's today's story - it has a Title:

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Mike has made hundreds and thousands of contacts to For Sale By Owners. A certain % of them will simply say "I'm so glad you called... I'm sick of trying to do this myself! Can you come over and list the property?"

Wonder how many you'd have to call to get one to say that... Are you willing to find out?