Lead A Day Club 12.07.2020
Dec 07, 2020
What straws are you pulling?
Or are you choosing at all?
As a professional salesperson, every day you must "draw the straw" of what Lead Generation option you will do today.
For many of us, we have only 2-5 types of business we go after, so the straws are just a few.
They might be Past Client/COI Database, FSBO's, Expireds, Advertising, Farm Area, FRBO's, Absentee Owners or other Investors, etc. Some of us have thousands of cold old paid "leads" we have stored...
For too many of us, the choices however look like the picture above. And our brain freezes.
AND... many offers of even MORE "easy leads" out there in your inbox all the time... right?
Too many choices are not the way to your goals.
Lead a Day Club is designed to give you fewer choices ... SO you can narrow to just a few you like. When you've selected just those few, it may be time to hire a Coach to help you get REALLY GOOD at those few.
Can you name your few?
Are you ready for a Coach? Hit reply and just ask for an application.
Interestingly, only 1 in 20 applications we send out are ever filled out and sent back. Why?
Too many want Coaching to be a Magic Bullet and when they hit the border between the dream and the application - which has to be done in physical reality - they decide "that's too hard" and give up. Its OK. Coaching is not for everyone.
But... is it for you? A study by the ICF said surveys prove Coaches is worth 7X the investment on average. The only question is, are you willing to do the work.