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Lead A Day Club 10.20.2020

lad lead a day Oct 20, 2020

Fundamental Mindset Shift

Who is Around You?

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Today for 28 minutes do the following:

Set a timer on your phone for 5 minutes and as fast as you can, write down the people you see or talk to most often. Keep going for 5 minutes. You may have a HUGE list or just a few but really think about it.

Next... decide which of those people inspire you the most.

Spend the rest of your 28 minutes calling the top few and set up a time to catch up. Use Zoom or Google Hangout or FaceTime or wherever you do that sort of thing… Just to share what's going on in their lives and in yours.

When you meet and talk …  at the appropriate time in the conversation (you'll know it instinctively), tell them about your goals for your business from now through year end (you need to have a goal to share one, just sayin’) and ask them if they have any suggestions ... from their perspective ... of things you could be doing better to fulfill those goals. 

Ask them to be truthful with you.

What you may learn from this exercise could change your career. Take it seriously.