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Lead A Day Club 10.15.2020

lad lead a day Oct 15, 2020

Fundamental Mindset Shift


LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Seth Godin wrote a blog post titled Your Fast Car

Here it is:

Right there, in your driveway, is a really fast car. And here are the keys. Now, go drive it.

Right there, in your hand, is a Chicago Pneumatics 0651 hammer. You can drive a nail through just about anything with it, again and again, if you choose. Time to use it.

And here's a keyboard, connected to the entire world. Here's a publishing platform you can use to interact with just about anyone, just about any time, for free.

You wanted a level playing field, one where you have just as good a shot as anyone else?

Here it is. Do the work.

That's what we're all counting on.

For you to do the work.

OCTOBER is DO THE WORK month. Find someone who wants to buy or sell today and BEGIN to work on creating enough HOPE and CURIOSITY... and perhaps some DOUBT about doing it on their own... or at their too high price.

Need more direction today? Great: Pick out everyone in your database whose last name starts with O for October and work toward the back of the alphabet.

Hint: If YOU call with some curiosity about what's going on in their life... you just might find a window of opportunity to talk to them about buying or selling. It's what's going on in their lives that causes them to need to buy or sell. Be their interested friend in Real Estate.