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Spend an hour studying a Company you see being Successful.

2022 goals 2022 success coach donna stott coach mike stott your coaching matters Feb 07, 2022

We posted an article on January 17th, What if our Real Estate Business PROFITED as Tesla does by RUNNING the Way Tesla Does? and how it relates to you and YOUR real estate business. Even if you have already read it, I suggest reading it again. But read it. This was an inspiring article showing what adversities one company had to go through to become successful. Perhaps something to pattern your real estate business by.

But there are other business success stories to read about and study. What did they do to become successful and profitable?

Brainstorm tonight by writing down a list of companies that interest you. As many as you can within 5 minutes. Then take an hour and google them, dig into their website, read about their founders. Google their reviews to see what others are saying about them. Then compare them with your business. What are your takeaways? Does the company have something you would like to implement in your real estate business or perhaps stay away from?

Set that one aside and the next day or so go to your next name on your list and so on.

Is there a pattern developing?

Let us know your thoughts and what you found out!