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Monday News You Can Use - 10.23.2023

coach donna stott coach mike stott monday news monday news you can use your coaching matters Oct 23, 2023

Good video on explaining your compensation.

Housing crash is unlikely 

Home sales pace way down 

News Homes Providing some inventory relief


Conversation Advancer of the Week:

We have to sell our house first . . . 

  • Got it - seems reasonable. So, do you need to sell before you can buy?
  • Would it help to know how much you could sell your current home for while you are looking for a new home?
  • That’s very common. When would you like to move into your new home?
  • Have you met with a lender to see if you qualify to buy a new home before you sell? Or do you need to sell your current home first?
  • We have three specific strategies that might be of interest:

1) Late occupancy
2) Early Occupancy
3) Bridge Loan




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Mike Stott

[email protected]

Cell: 678-232-0927

Office: 770-726-1256

International Coach Federation • Certified ACC