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Monday News You Can Use - 09.19.2022

coach donna stott coach mike stott monday news monday news you can use! your coaching matters Sep 19, 2022

Interesting article on HOA’s - they have too much power in Georgia - how about your state?

Mortgage rates hit 6% - buyers not buying. 

Major west coast markets seeing prices lowering. 

Rent rates can’t keep rising can they?



I have buyers looking for  Toilets with Bidets how about you?


 Conversation Advancer of the Week:

“I’m a year or so out from buying”

This is a stall - their monkey mind is just keeping them safe - ask a great question that brings them into the pre-frontal cortex:

"Just out of curiosity what’s magical about a year or so? If we could get you approved for a loan with these low-interest rates, get you into a great home, and show you how that’s cheaper than renting would you be willing to take a look?"


Your Coaching Matters Supports Agents and Brokers to
Elevate the Professionalism of Real Estate. 

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Getting it Done!
Mike Stott
[email protected]

Cell: 678-232-0927

Office: 770-726-1256

International Coach Federation • Certified ACC