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Lead A Day Club - 01.22.2021 #Neverquit

lad lead a day Jan 22, 2021

People who earn over 6 figures, are known to FIGURE things out.

Put on your detective hat on every day and when you run up against a brick wall, figure out how to get over it, around it, under it, or THROUGH it.


LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Go through all your leads who have not responded to you... but you think they would be awesome to list for sale... or work with as a buyer.


Look for those people on social media searching by a name if you have one or an email or phone number if you don't. When you find one, do a friend request and private message them.

Don't be creepy... say who you are and why you'd like to get in contact and that you tried other ways to reach them but just ran across them today and thought you'd reach out here.  Seemed interesting they'd shown up there... Simple.  And serendipitous. 

This may result in REVIVING a lead today…
or in the near future!