One of our new coaching clients offers a "Free Pie Contest" to his Farm area and people submit a request to “win” a pie. Of course, everyone that submits “wins" one, and he gets to call them saying “You Won!” They come to his nearby office to pick up their pies on 1 of 2 days during certain hours and he gets to see them in person… It’s a fun few days and he gets a lot of mileage from it twice a year (before T-day... and before 4th of July - cherry or apple” - Brilliant.
Many people go away for the holiday, but appreciate the offer... and you.
Others get to say "My Realtor is bringing me an apple pie the day before Thanksgiving!"
If you have a local market or bakery famous for pies, order from them in a bulk discount. Get your counts now and you'll get an even better deal :)
Now... you don't have to give away a pie... you can just offer service... but it is a nice touch. ;)
True Story:
Shortbread Cookies = 5 listings
One of our Agents made homemade shortbread cookies for her clients each year. She wrapped them in cellophane, but a custom ribbon with her business card threaded through, and a cute homemade sticker on them, delivering between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The last year she worked with us before moving away, she got FIVE listings in Dec and Jan from leads she got directly from the people she gave the cookies too that year. Yum Yum.