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Lead a Day Club 07.30.2021

lad lead a day Jul 30, 2021


If you would just FOCUS clearly on your goals. Choose activities today that lead you to to reach those goals. And repeat.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Here we are, month-end. You have about 3-4 months remaining to open pendings that close this year. -- Yikes?!

It's a fact. How long does it take a pending to close in your market? 45 days? 60 days? 75 days?

Calculate it.

Get your drop dead date for deals this year.

NOTE: That does not mean stop working that date. It means everything AFTER that date is for next year.

What do you need to open in August, Sept, October and maybe for some of you November to reach your Annual Goal?

Your ACTION today for 28 minutes to to do SOMETHING toward reaching that number. Hot leads follow up would be first on my list today...