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Lead a Day Club 07.22.2021

lad lead a day Jul 22, 2021

Of the hundreds of Agents I've interviewed over the years, over 90% of those doing over 75 deals a year are doing it by contacting people they know. Period.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Call 10 people you know but haven't talked to in the last month. (We're almost at the end of the 31-day challenge - you got this!!)

EVERY ONE OF YOU knows 10 people (relatives are fine). Tell them something of value. Tell them about a house you saw recently, or about this article.

Then ask them if they have any plans to move in the next year. If so, great! You got a lead.

If not, ask them if anyone they know might be moving. If so... great! You've got a lead.

Hint: Calling those that OWN a home is more likely to get you a lead than calling renters. UNLESS they have great income and SHOULD own instead of renting!

GO. 28 minutes and you'll have a lead. Tell me if you don't and I'll role play with you. :)