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Lead a Day Club 07.19.2021

lad lead a day Jul 19, 2021


Does this moment have your full ATTENTION?

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

An author/friend/client of ours wrote a book of 52 acronyms - 1 for each week to consider. Week 32 was ATTENTION.

A - Aiming

T- this

T - time

E - energy


T - thought

I - into

O - optimizing

N - now

Are you spending 28 minutes a day Generating New Leads? That's all it takes to be massively successful. Giving your Attention to that part of the business for less than half-hour a day. Optimizing NOW to its Fullest Potential.

Aiming your attention and this short amount of time, energy, and thought on generating a new lead... from someone you know or someone they know (highest quality are those 2 types - NOT strangers).

Today contact everyone in your contact with the last name starting with J for July or A for August. Just ask how they are... how happy they are in their housing situation NOW... and offer to help if they are not happy. That's it. KISS - Keep it Simple, Salesperson.

Yes... this WILL generate a lead today or in the near future if you will simply DO IT.

Are you willing to give it your attention for 28 minutes? Great.
