Yes, the market is changing. By talking about that change with the people you know, that tells them:
A. You are serious about your business.
B. You study your business.
C. You care about keeping them up to date on important changes.
D. You are someone they should work with or refer others to. Without even asking!
Your 28 minutes today are split like this: Spend 2 minutes identifying a change you can tell others about. AND 26 minutes telling as MANY people as you can about it. Because you CARE that they know what is happening in this very important Real Estate world.
Use the phone (another day of your 31-day challenge!), text, in person, Facebook post, Linked In, Twitter... how many can you reach in 26 minutes? Either talk to or invite to schedule a conversation.
Ideas: Sales up? Sales down? Low months of remaining inventory? Interest rates up/down? New financing available (like low-down conventional loans)? Flood insurance updates? Tax break updates for homeowners?
If you can't think of one to share, check the most recent Monday News You Can Use...