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Lead A Day Club 06.18.2021

lad lead a day your coaching matters Jun 18, 2021

Always be thinking of ways to bring VALUE
to that goldmine that is your Database.

Here's a 28-minute idea to bring value:

Look on MLS to find 3 properties that would make decent investments (that you would be willing to sell.)

Create an email, social media post, or mailing to your Database with those 3 offerings.

Explain about how much down, how much in closing costs, how much an estimated payment would be at X down, what the rent income would be, and what that profit looks like (or cost.)

Then show what it could be worth when it's paid off in 15/30 years... with a tenant paying back most or all of the loan.

Money is cheap. Teach your clients how to use the bank's leverage to build a legacy income.