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Lead A Day Club 06.15.2021

lad lead a day your coaching matters Jun 15, 2021

Knowing how to help your clients gives you an incentive to offer that help.

We will be covering over the remaining Lead-A-Day-Club messages in June exactly how you can help the people in your Database. Helping them creates loyalty and respect and trust.

That, in turn, creates the creating of Leads from the database as well as referrals, recommendations to people they know.

Let's start with one of the reasons people should know the value of their homes.

Mortgage insurance.

MOST areas have primarily lower than 20% down payment purchases. If you put down less than 20%, there is more than likely a mortgage insurance premium being paid with each mortgage payment.

Many of those payments can be eliminated IF the homeowner has more than 22% equity and in some cases, they may also need to have had the loan over 5 years.

By educating your Database on the value of their property, and looking at their loan balance you can seriously help them save a lot of money. Going through the process will be up to them with their lender, but educating them can be up to you.

For 28 minutes today contact people in your Database you think this knowledge could apply to and discuss it. Is it time to do a CMA for them? HINT: When they see their equity, it just might be the time to talk to them about what they could do with it on a move-up/down/area new home.

Go get a Lead.