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Lead A Day Club 05.03.2021 - It's Like Magic!

lad lead a day May 03, 2021
 You must ASK in order
to expect an answer.
6-figure earners are constantly
and consistently asking.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Ask a dozen people you know if they have enough of your business cards in their wallets. Ask if you are in their contacts so they can share your contact digitally with a friend.

You can both ask the question and mail the cards that they don't have in under 28 minutes. Or text them your full contact the way YOU want it to read.

If they have your cards in their wallet and your digital Contact on their phone... remind them that " just like magic, someone will show up in their lives very soon that needs that card or that contact info (or both)." Ask them to call or text you when it happens and you'll buy them a Starbucks. Make it a game.

Yep. And Just like magic. It will happen.