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Lead A Day Club 04.12.2021

lad lead a day Apr 12, 2021
 When you refer someone that you can’t service with the right passion, expertise, energy, time…
it’s a GIFT to them.

Top Earners don't work with people outside of their primary market area and price range.


LAD 28 Minute ACTION

Today's 28-minute Lead Generation idea is to REFER all leads that don't fit your minimum standards.
Good news is you can probably do it in 28 minutes.
Cull the list. Who doesn't fit? Who do you know, or can you find that DOES fit?

Do it in writing with you and the other agent signing a referral agreement.

How does this earn you a lead today? EVERY ONE of those agents you refer to will now refer back to YOU in your area if you explain why you are referring to them. Tell them what area/price you DO serve and offer them a generous referral fee for them to refer to you next time they have someone in YOUR area of expertise!

Now, isn't it great to know your remaining leads are ALL the ones you really want?

You bet it is.