Lead A Day Club 03.29.2021 - Magical!!
Mar 29, 2021There is MAGIC at looking at WHAT WENT RIGHT and
The Universe already practiced on that one,
so get on for the ride to the next Success!

Today's 28-minute Lead Generation idea is to look at what went RIGHT in your 1st Quarter and DO something to attempt to duplicate it. Let's show you how:
- LOOK for Closings you had that were smooth or you handled problems professionally creating long-term fans in the process. How can you DUPLICATE that? Do one thing. It could be to handle a problem that's looming right NOW. It could be to get a price reduction on a listing that will cause a sale and closing TODAY. DO ONE THING NOW.
- LOOK for the Listings you took that were real winners. How can you DUPLICATE that? It could be to call the Seller and ask which of their friends or co-workers also may need to sell. It could be to make a call, email, or post to the same source your favorite listings came from. DO ONE THING NOW.
- LOOK at Buyers you are sold or closed 1st Quarter. How can you DUPLICATE that? It could be to call the Buyer, see how they are doing in the house, is there anything you could do for them... AND ask which of their friends or co-workers also may need to buy. It could be to make a call, email, or post to the same source your favorite buyers came from. DO ONE THING NOW.
THAT should end your Quarter with a BANG! Go!