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Lead A Day Club 03.02.2021

lad lead a day Mar 02, 2021

Getting to 6 figures plus (we have a number of clients who will earn over $1M in commissions last year) means realizing you need support and being willing to both ask for it and accept it.

LAD 28 Minute ACTION

You may be in the position of needing some support. You may be your own support person right now until you build up some more business. In either case, I personally am not a big fan of part-time assistants other than those for a specific non-time-sensitive job. Why? Part-time support generally has something else they are committed to that is not you and your business. That can create frustration.

Your 28 minutes today is around THINKING about an assistant - a full-time one. Either your first one or another one added to what you have now.

Answer these questions:

  1. What am I promising Sellers I'm not getting around to doing? Look at your marketing plan. Are you doing it 100%? Really? Why not?
  2. What am I promising myself about the work I do to communicate with my past clients, centers of influence, my friends/family, my current leads... that I am not getting around to? Why?
  3. What would I LIKE to do to create more repeat and referral business that I'm not getting to and why? What is getting in the way?

You just created an outline for your next assistant's job description.

Here's your 28-minute activity to generate leads - Ask people you know if they know of someone looking for a job in a growing business. Be willing to ask.

Then interview and be willing to ask "what would it take to hire you" when you find the right person.

Note: The Right Person may come with a HUGE center of influence and/or family to recommend you to! This could mean more income than it "cost" you to hire them...

Need help deciding? Check out YCM latest Facebook post on Assistants or send me an email! 

Click HERE for the Replay on Facebook -  
"Yes, I was a Support Snob."