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Monday News
You Can Use
Every Monday, Coach Mike Stott sends out "Monday News You Can Use". It has links to current and pertinent online Real Estate articles to keep you informed and pass on to your clients. Monday News also offers weekly inspirations as well as fun tech and timely real estate tips.
Coach Mike Stott does HOURS of work FOR you saving you half the time! Just fill out your name and email address below to sign up for our "Monday News You Can Use" and you'll be signed up for the ONLY real estate news you'll need each week.
Sign Up Today for Monday News You Can Use!FREE YCM WORKSHOPS!
We also will give you free access to our YCM Workshops - a $49 value for each workshop, but right now, you can have access them for free! Workshops are an excellent way to get "hands-on" experience with our Coaches.