Your Coaching Matters
Mike & Donna Stott
Top 25 Coaches in America per Inman! Our Clients earn what they want to earn... in the hours they want to earn it. Coaching Clients who are Living Great Lives... not just Great Business Lives. If that is what YOU want Click Here for more information.

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Our Coaches
All Your Coaching Matters Coaches have graduated from the Academy for Coaching Excellence. With 3 Real Estate Coaches and 1 Life Coach on staff, there is a good fit for YOU.

Coaching Plans
from $250/month

Our Coaches have developed over a dozen different Courses to help you specialize in Mastery of every aspect of your Real Estate business. Take one or bundle for a discount. Ask how.
Real Estate
Coaching & Education
Private Coaching, Group Coaching, Live Courses and Self-Study Courses. Our average full time Client earns close to $400K a year, top end over $2M. We support YOU to the absolute Best Career for YOUR life. Every Private Coaching program is personalized and unique to YOU.
Our Core ValuesYCM in the News
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Some publications we have contributed to or who have written about us.

Interested in Talking to a Coach?
Fill out an application and we’ll contact you to schedule an appointment with one of our Coaches.
Speak to a Coach!
Chris Hill
"I was referred to Your Coaching Matters when I changed from being a builder to being a real estate agent over 9 years ago. In my first full year as an agent I was Rookie of the year and now my small team sells over 100 homes a year with close to 90% of it from working with my Database of Past Clients and Friends. Believe me when I say that hiring a Coach, specifically , Your Coaching Matters made a huge difference in my success. The average agent fails in 2 years. I get to go on cruises, send my kids to college, and live a great life. Thank you Your Coaching Matters!"
C21 New Millennium | [email protected]

Terri Pointzious
"I met Donna Stott over 10 years ago. I cannot imagine being in the real estate business without a Coach and Your Coaching Matters is the best. Donna has helped me be clear about my business and my personal life, blending to two so I have more ease in my life. I have increased my average sales price because we created a plan. The unique plan she helps create is not just about business, it is about all the aspects of your life. Donna truly cares about her clients, she is dependable and positive.
The best! "
Willis Allen Real Estate

Connie Fitzgerald
"I was stuck doing helping only about 20 people a year until I joined Your Coaching Matters. My Coach and the Numbers Tracker is a MUST HAVE in your business. You learn what's important to you and create Goals to go after with a Clear plan! I look forward to tracking to see clearly my goals, income and where I am so far... all in one place. Going over this with my Coach weekly has grown my business from 20 a year to over 100!"
REMAX Closers Southern Maryland
301-672-1634 Cell

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